Looking for the latest and most cost-effective way of hosting a virtual performance?
Let DRT host it for you!
DRT's Virtual Performance hosting allows you to submit your final video edit, and we handle everthing from there!
- Host your pre-recorded performance
- Control when and for how long it is viewable
- Provide ticketing services
- Guarantee viewing access to only those who purchased a ticket
Your patrons can stream your performance to their mobile and/or desktop devices.
Your patrons can stream your performance to their mobile and/or desktop devices.
A Solution for Today and Tomorrow
Our virtual platform is MORE than a solution to new social distancing restrictions. Our clients who have used this new feature are incorporating it into their ticket sales FOREVER!
Easy as 1, 2, 3!
This service is provided at no additional cost to the studio!
Your viewers simply pay a small ticket fee, similar to the fee when they attend a live show!
If you want to host the virtual performance yourself, we can still provide ticketing and an easy way to share your video link with your buyers. When DRT hosts the show, no link will be visible, preventing the show from being shared with anyone who has not purchased a ticket.
Interested in moving forward?
Call DRT today to learn how we can help you host your virtual performance!
(706) 550-1416 (US)
(416) 477-5613 (Canada)
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